Monday 23 November 2009

All About Me

I like blogs. I admire them. I think of diligent, witty people sitting down and writing interesting things, for free, for people like me to read and empathise with and giggle over. One of my "besties" has a blog, and it's one of my favourites, and I told her so. "You should blog!" she said to me a couple of weeks ago. "Hmmm..." said I. And here I am.

The three little piggies are, of course, my children, little trio of tribulation-causers and wrinkle-adders that they are. Eldest Girl (EG, or Egg) is going to be eleven in a fortnight's time but has delusions of teenage grandeur. The Boy (we call him just that, the Boy) is six, has just lost his two middle front teeth and has an adorable lisp as a result, and likes the Sarah Jane Adventures and the Simpsons. The Tiny Girl (TG, or Tig) is three, and living up to the "threenager" tales in some considerable style. Lots of shrieking happens in my house, and it's usually her.

(Can I point out here that I had my eldest child when I was just 18? Vanity compels me to clarify the fact that I am still in my twenties. It's utterly wrong that I care about this. I do, though).

I have a proper grown-up job doing reasonably important things for thirty whole hours of every single week, but it's as a mummy and a wife that I define and see myself. I think I'm a bit odd in this respect. Life for me is my chaotic house and the three loud little piggies and the husband who lumbers home every day, shabby briefcase in hand, causing me almost-equal measures of irritation and joy. (I'm afraid irritation usually wins the "which emotion to display" contest - marital strife at 6pm is the order of the day round our way, and I expect the children would be perplexed and troubled if they didn't hear at least one hissed expletive from me at about that hour). I think I'm going to be a careery sort of a person, I do have ambition somewhere, but that'll be later. Maybe when they are all at university (I'll need to be careery, what with the fees). Or when they're doing whatever else they choose to do when they're too old for milk and cookies and pyjamas after tea. That's when I'll do career things. I've done the exams already, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Friends are a very special thing for me. I have to mention them as well. I wouldn't be me without J, L, D and the other people who have the daily treat (if you're reading girls, it is a TREAT! It is not a CHORE!) of my rambly texts and occasional telephonic moans. On the plus side, when I make cakes I always try to think of a way to get at least a slice, if not a whole cake to those friends, so there is some benefit to them in knowing me. After all, I make rather a lot of cakes.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I am your first follower - is there a prize?

    I note I am listed as a "special" friend. Apparently not special enough for semolina though!

    Ha, only joking. Looking forward to reading more. Will ahve to be on my best behaviour or you may name and shame me!
